Mission and Vision

2022 Mission and Vision

Our vision is to be a church that is growing, sharing and serving connected by Jesus.

We are growing

We are sharing

We are serving

Connected by Jesus


Key Initiatives:

Naming who we are: We are a collection of Jesus-people striving to live out the ways and teachings of Jesus. We believe Jesus is God in the flesh who has come to redeem and renew what has been broken and dead. We believe that in Jesus’ life we are shown how to live in whole relationship with God and with our neighbors. In Jesus’ death Christ has paid the price for sin that we could not pay. In his resurrection all things are beginning to be made new. In his ascension and return we have the hope of all things being made right and eternal life for those in Christ. We believe Jesus has called us to announce and demonstrate what the reign of Christ looks like in our lives, our families, our congregation and our community.

Our Beliefs Inform our Practice: Spring Creek Church of the Brethren is connected to a larger body of Jesus-people in the Church of the Brethren which draws its heritage through those identified as Pietists and Anabaptist. Of concern to the founders of our Anabaptist heritage was the conviction that Christianity is not only a faith to believe in, but one to be acted upon and lived out. Our practices include baptism of believers, observance of love feast, feet washing and communion, the service of anointing, striving toward a Christian lifestyle of simplicity and non-conformity, fostering use of the non-violent peaceful approach in addressing problems - seeking solutions through love of friends and enemies that leads to forgiveness and reconciliation, communicating the gospel by word and deed, and responding positively to the total ministry of the church as the Lord leads to commit our gifts to service for the common good and the upbuilding of the body of Christ.


Here is a summary of ways we believe we can better live into this vision:

1. Find ways of utilizing our facilities

Find ways of utilizing the indoor and outdoor facilities of Spring Creek for the good of our Neighborhood.

2. Leveraging Technology

Use technology as a way of communicating the message of Jesus.

3. Build relationships with our community

Identify ways of moving the congregation beyond the walls of the building and connecting with the larger community in life giving ways. This may include initiatives of the congregation of partnering with the efforts of other community organizations.

4. Strengthen relationships within our congregation

Continue to foster relationships within the Body of Christ through intergenerational connections, meeting together for shared life, study, prayer and service.

5. Seek the healing of the community around us

Listen to the hurts and cries of those around us. Listen to the heart of God for those who have been left out. Look for the Spirit’s movement, not assuming we have all the answers to be implemented on others.