Serve With Us
BHA Adopt-An-Apartment
The AAA Team is at it again! There are currently several apartments in need of cleaning and furnishing through BHA (Brethren Housing Association). We adopt an apartment to clean and furnish for a new family to enjoy. If you would be interested in helping to clean and/or decorate an apartment, please click below to sign up to help.
Disaster Ministries Trips
Help to rebuild homes destroyed by natural disasters. Our team will partner with Brethren Disaster Ministries.
Upcoming trips:
March 30-April 5
Lechter County, KY
July 27-August 2
Parsonage Ministry
In partnership with Love INC of Greater Hershey, our Parsonage hosts families who need a place to stay while loved ones are getting medical treatment.
It is in need of volunteers for housekeeping and general maintenance.
Sew for “Dresses for Africa”
Over 80 Dresses made, so far, toward our goal of 100
Check the Church Calendar on our Connect Page for scheduled meeting times.
No need to sign up -
just join us!
Volunteer with Children/Youth Ministries
Make a positive impact on young lives! It is a rewarding way to volunteer, and there are many ways to participate, from chaperone to teacher, whether it is for Sunday School, VBS or other activities
Buy gift cards to give as gifts or to use for everyday purchases. A percentage of the card value goes to Spring Creek ministries. Click the link above to learn how
Help Behind the Scenes
From serving as a Prayer Champion on our prayer chain, to assisting in the church office, helping to maintain the church property, or producing livestreams, there are many ways to use your talents for Spring Creek's ministries